CSR Commitment
We have always been committed to offering the best possible conditions to our staff. Both collectively and individually, we give them a fulfilling environment and we constantly involve them in major decisions. We take their needs into account so as to enable them to develop well-being and performance. Our training plan acts as a support for their professional development.
We also maintain these same privileged relationships with our suppliers and partners. We respect everyone in his speciality and we work hand-in-hand to ensure fair exchanges.
We are committed to recycling on a daily basis. We have containers for each type of waste: wood, rubble and plastic. Our planet is precious and we limit as far as possible the unnecessary use of paper by encouraging each customer to opt for an electronic invoice. We constantly raise the awareness of our collaborators concerning waste.
We support the causes that are dear to us and we are patrons to several local associations:
– Comité des Dames de Lenval (The Lenval Women’s Committee): These women contribute to improving the conditions of children’s hospitalisation.
– Prom’ du cœur : a charity event organized by the Automobile Club of Nice and Côte d’Azur, in collaboration with the association Enfants Cancers et Santé (Children Cancer and Health), known to be of public interest.
– Association Mir : founded in 1992 by Father Bruzzone in Ariane, this association helps the extremely deprived especially through food distribution, a solidarity grocery store and by helping to find accommodation.