Our know how
We have been experts since 1931. We have know-how in manufacturing and have expertise in the purchase and resale of materials as well as in supplier relations.
Our Italian roots have ingrained in us the love of beauty and quality. Originally manufacturers of « granito », mosaic and marble, we have learnt how to adapt to the market and demand. For almost 60 years, we have been selecting and trading with leading manufacturers of marble, mosaics, ceramics and sanitary ware, as well as with the exclusive brands we offer.
We love materials. We know how to work, assemble, enhance and make them exist. Our teams are driven by the same passion: customer satisfaction, quality, design and products have no secrets for them. Regularly trained by us and by our suppliers, they listen to and understand our clients in order to offer the most appropriate solutions.
Present in Nice since the beginning, we have woven a network of serious, specialised professionals to meet our customers’ expectations.
Just like Natale Marmorini, we are committed to accompanying each customer in the building of a unique place where they simply feel good.